Doubt essential to faith

I have been struggling with many things, as many of you know.  I doubt faith, I doubt humanity, I doubt love, I doubt my existence.  I am a doubter.  Its what I do, its who I am and its built into the core of my existence. I never seem to accept anything without a mystified mind.

This morning when i checked my email, I realized there was an email in my flagged messages.  I looked at the title "the doubt essential to faith".  I bellied up to my desk and with coffee in hand, I decided to check out this amazing video.  It confounded me and took my breath away.  Maybe it won't have the same effect on you.  Maybe you are not at the same place mentally or spiritually and that is admirable.  Maybe this message was for me and not you, but 1 thing it did confirm, after my chat with jake bordes, is that universal timing and faith are essential to any walk of life. Hope you enjoy.


  1. Thank you for sharing this! I could listen to her speak for hours. Such a great story teller. And I agree with you about timing and faith.

  2. Thank you so much for reading my blog Tatiana. I am sorry I didn't respond to this. I love writing and speaking both and I am truly humbled by readers like yourself so than you from the bottom of my heart.



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