todays the day
Okay so today is the day that we prep our first order for our first client. Talk about nervous...i know everything will be fine but you can feel the pressure. You believe in your product and you talk it up to everyone. You sell the benefit of your service over the competitors. Then it happens, you get that first signed contract in hand. The day approaches and you have to fulfill that order. You face the world strong and know you can do this. Tensions are high, but adrenaline is higher. You drive your worries, your scared inhibitions into the ground and you push on, like a tractor. Its how business gets done, don't sweat the small things. Get out there and keep doing what you know is the right and good thing to do. Believe in yourself and whatever it is you sell. Here is one of my favorites by eminem... Although his situation is regarding music, i think it applies to all of us in some way. Especially if you have every started your own company or you are at all involved ...