The Reality of life...
Sometimes an event is very profound and it hits really close to home. Other times you can relate from personal experience. Most often we are disconnected from everything and realize that an event has happened and we bid our condolences and move on, forgetting the event ever happened. Just the other day, it was brought home for me. A very good friend who I have worked with was affected by a tragedy that we all have to face at sometime in our life, but would rather it come in the fall of our years not the summer. Her boyfriend, age 36, passed of a heart attack without any warning. Some of you may know her, others may not, the most important thing here is to remember the lesson. We are here for such a short period of time that we cannot have regrets and we should not live each day without telling those we love, how much they really mean to us. I often tell people when you are thinking about someone, it is for a reason and you should reach out to them...