My bikes over the years
My first bike i recieved for Christmas in 1984/85 was the Fuji Sagres Great bike. I rode that damn thing till the tires went bald. This is a picture, not mine but what it looked like... thanks to emptychair on flikr...its his bike, but i am using the pic to show the colors that i remember so vividly After that i didn't ride for a long time. My friend dan got me back into cycling on an old bianchi that he had. I rode my first half century on that bike From there i migrated, after he moved to colorado, to my touring series III. It made it to colorado with me, but i ended up dis assembling it and leaving it in my friends storage. I put lots of miles on it and people used to laugh at me trying to train on it seriously. The next bike was a fuji touring series III that i bought for 150 bones in Florida. Although it didn't look like this. It was stripped down to a bare bones road bike After colorado, it was borrowed bikes. I borrowed a bike for about a year and rode the heck...