
Showing posts from May, 2009

Religion and Spirituality

The two go hand in hand. I was raised a Christian...Southern Baptist converted to full gospel at the age of 18. Currently I am Spiritual but wouldn't call myself at all religious, but the point of this blog is to point out the similarities between my current beliefs and religion and how we can co-exist with Christians and all other religions for that matter. Before I begin, i know that I am going to upset the moral kilter of things, but my intention is not to upset but to practice and teach understanding. I must tell you upfront that Love is my religion. I practice love everyday, random acts of love and kindness and i urge you to do the same. Now is not the time to be living in fear. Fear of losing your house, fear of not having enough money, fear of losing someone you love, fear of terrorism, fear of death...i tell you now is not the time. Ziggy Marley had a song that I can really identify with when i was in Jamaica last year called "Love is my religion" He ...

The amazing people we meet

So yesterday I had to bring my car to the shop because of some electrical issues that I have been having.  I switched to a new shop closer to my house and the customer service was excellent.  My service advisor was proficient and very enthusiastic to help me out.  He had me written up and on my in 20 minutes. I was able to use the complimentary shuttle service because I lived within the 10 mile radius of the shop.  I had the privilege of getting a ride home from a fine gentlemen named Chilano.  He was so nice and fun to talk to.  He has a great attitude and loves what he is doing He comes from Oaxaca and has been working here for 10 years and finally brought the rest of his family here.  He informed me that his wife just gave birth to their 6th and last child.  He has three boys and three girls and loves being a father and it shows.   He also said that him, his wife and five children share a 1 bedroom apartment.  I think if you...

love, life and kitties.

I think we try to make it more then it is. We wake each day seeking out some meaning in our life. "What is my purpose?", is the biggest question I hear every day. "What am i supposed to do next with my life?" is another biggie. I think to be fair to that question I throw out my usual disclaimer, I am not a prophet and I don't have all the answers, but i can tell you that the 1 thing i have learned is that our sole purpose here on earth is... to be happy! Well how do i find happiness is the next question. It is within you. It always has been, your journey, your path is to find that. You will never find it outside of yourself. People that strive for happiness in things find temporary fixes to a want, much like a drug addict and their next score. You won't find it in the new house, the new car, the latest clothes, or a huge yacht. Yes those things are nice, but they are temporal...and of this world. They bring temporary happiness until the next big ...

to twitter, facebook, plaxo, myspace or not, that is the question

Is there too much social media out there. For every site out there, there are 4 more new ones appearing every day. I get overwhelmed by it all and all the invites I have to join new social media sites. I have limited it to Facebook and twitter. Those are all i need. My blog feeds through facebook so those that want to stay tied in, can check facebook. I use twitter to update my facebook on the fly as well as posting pics. Have i met any celebs or got any shout outs...NO!. Those of you thinking that you may get a shout out anytime soon, keep your fingers crossed. It may happen. I think you have to make a profound statement however, it can't be just a one liner line @realhughjackman...i loved your movie. He probably gets over a 1000 of those a day. What is the difference between an @ the person and a dm. DM means they follow you and you can direct message them like a text message. An @ message just means you are reposting on the board for everyone to see, including the ...