The Mark Sanford Scandal...
So today i awoke to the LA times discussing the Mark Sanford scandal about him being unfaithful to his wife and possibly using tax payers money to finance his trip to see his mistress. I am sharing my opinions on this. Why did Mark Sanford do this? Why did he cheat on his wife? Was he thinking about his kids? Were tax funds used to finance this trip? These are all valid questions, however, I am just going to share my concerns over the pertinent information. Lets start with the obvious. Mark Sanford had an affair. Is it uncommon? Not at all. Statistics say that somewhere in the neighborhood of 55-65% of marriages have infidelity in either direction. So then why is this a big deal? Because he is a public official and public officials are held to the highest moral standard possible. Is this just and fair? In my humbled opinion, the answer is, No. We tend to put too much faith in a man and get disappointed when that man or woman lets us down. Very much like the clinton scand...