Another year and time to reflect
So tomorrow I turn 38. Last year, my bud Noah and I were off to Vegas with my good friend Bobbi. We had a blast staying up late, walking the strip and meeting new people. This year, I have forgone any trips to go on a trip to South America in September. I look forward to the adventure and where I may end up on the journey. What have I learned in this last year? Too many to list, but there are a few that stick. 1. Treat your friends as you wish to be treated. A good mentor once told me, "Chad, in order to have friends, you have to be one," It may sound cliche, but it is true. Often times in life we love having friends, but we hate having to listen to the drama in their lives, or possibly the mundane things that they may have to say. They may seem boring or mundane to us, but to them its important and sometimes they need to get that off their chest. When someone confides in you, it is an honor, a symbol of respect and trust. 2. Live each day as if it is your last. ...