Is there something that you have been putting off doing? Why wait any longer? Today is as good a day as any to get off your butt and do it. You see once you get started, you are building momentum and that helps you gain ground. Don't make excuses, blame others, create hatred or second guess yourself. That never gets you anywhere but deeper in despair. Energy attracts like energy and doing something creates action. Don't complain about the lack of resources or time. Focus on the time you currently have and be present in the now, focusing on the goal or task at hand. Conditions are never perfect. Deciding to paint a room in your house, get your transmission repaired or begin a family never have a perfect time in your life. If you wait for that time, you will miss your opportunity. Focus on what you have and what you can do and just do it. "A person shows who they are by what they do with what they have been given"...this is the real value in timing. Yo...