
I write, i rhyme...

I listen I learn, i grow I yearn I need some accomplice, to help me sort it out I need the light to break the dark I need to love to break the lies My beliefs limit my abilities My thoughts drown out my passion devoid of ideas, yet full of doubt. I wish i could remember who i am Don't try to find it for its not there, rather build it as fair as you see dont listen to the haters, especially in your mind ride your neon bmx bike and show them what you do be that nurse or that gardner the best you can be bum that cigarette light as if its your last enjoy that sun as it beams on your face text that message to the friend you love use that youth as if it will never cease be yourself and write your own rhyme those lyrics like they are well known and feel the passion overflow notice the clouds, see that tree make sure you take the time to breathe...

Some days your the bat, others the ball...

My awesome pad... I try to be a good person.  I don't intentionally lie on my taxes, I don't ignore those in need, and I try not to hurt people or animals.  It seems that the universe has a specific message that it needs me to know.  What ever life you come into or meet in this life, will have long standing implications in the future.  Your actions affect everything in your sphere of being. As many of you know, My mom recently passed from cancer, however, what you may not know was what I gave up to be with her and by her side.  As I have mentioned before, I have no regrets for my decisions, but there are ramifications with everything.  I was living in Encinitas at a great friends house right by the beach.   It was compound style living but it was good.  Everyone there was friendly and family like.  I had a very simple existence with a bed, a dresser and my clothes and my three cats.  I wasn't a cat person, but somehow the three girls won their way into my heart.  I di

Movie review: The Descendants

"Paradise? Paradise can go fuck itself." Whether it is cancer, an aneurism, an accident, or just old age, you can't choose how your loved ones will die, but what is for sure is what you can do while they are alive.  This movie does an excellent job and analyzing relationships, understanding the human condition, and working past the difficult moments in life.  George Clooney, Shailene Woodley and Nick Krause deliver exceptional performances.  (Many of you may not like Nick, but He grew on me).  The movies seemed to be unscripted at many points and you wont know whether to laugh or cry. The director is Alexander Payne, who brought you Sideways, About Schmidt, Election and most recently Hung (the series on HBO).  He is really good at examining the complexities of human relationships.  Basically George Clooney is a land baron in Hawaii whose wife was in a speed boat accident and it has left her in a coma.  He realizes he has no idea how to care for his daugh

Taking a step back...

Sometimes in life we have to take a step back and re-assess where we are in the world and in relation to people.  To often I get involved and vested in people that I don't know that well and begin to ingest their problems and in that process, I lose myself.  Its similar to the reason that I decided not to get into a relationship so many years ago, after my ex and I broke up.  I found myself to emotionally vested in the relationship and forgot about myself.  I find myself much more at peace right now.  I have found a more normal sleep pattern and seem to be getting my 8 hours of sleep, unlike my normal 5-6.  I wake up fully rested and without lots of anxiety in my life.  I have been spending my days getting ready for my grandmother to come over from Sweden.  I am working on getting her room painted and getting the wood floor down.  I feel re-connected and energized. I have felt the call of being a healer in my life.  I also realize that because I vibrate at an energy level higher th

Been a while...

So its been a while since I have posted anything on here.  I have been so busy with work and working on trying to get through most of my moms stuff that I have been forgetting to write.  Sometimes, I stare at a blank page, cursor blinking and I draw nothing.  My mind so desperately wants to come up with a topic to write but its like there is an incredible chasm between the brain and the fingers. Lately, to be truthful, I haven't felt the inspiration to write anything.  I feel like I have been putting everyone elses fires out and keeping the balance, that I don't know where to take time for me.  I have wanted to delve into my book but don't have the motivation.  I want to read, but I am lacking the focus.  I have been enjoying my fair share of netflix and hulu lateley thats for sure.  Not to mention that I have been sleeping in almost every day that I am home.  Its funny but I have my alarm set for 5:30 and when i finally get out of bed is 7:30 or 8.  I guess it is tru