1997-11-22-Dinner with Maryann?

Woke up at 6:30, had some coffee and headed to the gym. I trained 4 clients and saw Kathe. I asked her how she was doing, she seems to be good, not great, just good. I told her if she needs anything, to call me. I had to cancel going to the game with Kim and cancelled my appointment with Kate because I forgot about my extra clients today.

I called Maryann and asked her to join me at dinner at the bent noodle. She said she had no plans and agreed. We arrived about 7pm and she had the pleasure of meeting Tony, Paul, Jackie, Ofer and Rodney (Sandra, his wife couldn't make it). Maryann seemed to like them, and they her.

After dinner we went to Champps. We had a few drinks and chatted about our lives and how we ended up in Colorado. We went back to her place, I guess her boyfriend was out of town snowboarding. I sensed that we wanted to kiss, but somehow we refrained.

There is something about her that I am very attracted to. I wish I could figure out what it was. I will proceed with caution. She advised me that she and Mike were on the way out. I will try to take it slow and cautiously. I have a feeling that she likes me as much as I like her. I am not going to put all my eggs in one basket. She got jealous when she found out I slept with Kira.

Life is about giving and learning, when we forget these things, we fail.

Until next time...
