I realize in looking back, I lack direction and focus. I have had a million ideas and non have ever florished. I tend to get distracted and not realize what I really want. I need to set focus andd direction goals. Focus on one things and become really good at it. Direct my energies towards work. My direction shall be pursuing real estate. I want to pay off my debt by years end. I want to be debt free and start looking for a place for fatima and I. I need to stop minimizing my problems and know that they are real.
Fatima cheers me up and is a wonderful woman. I was very upset today because I couldn't go visit my mom and Christina...bummer. However, this is not the direction or tone of my life. Just a bad day. Learn to accept, love and move on. I love me.
until next time...
Fatima cheers me up and is a wonderful woman. I was very upset today because I couldn't go visit my mom and Christina...bummer. However, this is not the direction or tone of my life. Just a bad day. Learn to accept, love and move on. I love me.
until next time...
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