Day 12-August 8th-Heading Home :-(
Wasn't sure if it was going to rain. Started looking like it but then it cleared up. I was glad. I ate some breakfast and then decided to walk around the property and take some shots of nature and anything else I could find.
Sometimes when you walk around, you begin to realize how connected to this great planet you are. It was quite amazing to see all the wildlife such as birds and lizards and other creatures. Very often we get caught up in the grand schemes of things and we forget to look at the minutia. In actuality it is the minutia that makes the difference. I say this with conviction and those of you who know me, know this, "you can drive down any road a million times and see something completely different and beautiful every time"
This trip to the Virgin Islands gave me a glimpse of how good life really is. Good things happen to people that are in the good and bad things follow those who are in the bad. How do you define each of those, it is up to you. It is up to the way you chose to see things. If you believe your life is good and you are one with that good, keep doing what you are doing. If you feel miserable and downtrodden, make that change. Change your scene, get in with great people, great friends and among all else FAMILY.
I have included some pics from the journey home. I can't honestly say they are the best pics ever, but they remind me of a great time in my life. A memory and a resolution of great things to come. I feel the change has occurred, that the negative gray glasses of my past are starting to move past rosey to clear and concise. I am able to see life for what it is which is beautiful, wonderful and in the physical sense, only once. I choose not to live my life in regret and am blessed every day with life.
I am connected to amazing people who have helped me become who I am. Take some time in your life to reflect on who and what has made you great.
I have put the link for the photos on this day, just remember that it is impossible to really capture what I saw. That you have to do on your own
If I haven't said it, I really appreciate all of my blog supporters.
Day 12-Heading Home :-(
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