the greatness of Greensboro...

So i just worked a program in Greensboro North Carolina. I stayed at the Grandover Resort and I must say, I know why they have earned the 4 diamond award 9 years in a row. It is a fantastic property. The facilities are clean and the staff are extremely friendly

I had the opportunity to chat with the staff and they are all long-timers as i like to call them. They have all been there for a while. That is always a great sign and means they like their job. The director of Golf, Jonathan York is extremely friendly and set me up on the golf course yesterday for just the greens fees. He has a huge smile and a great laugh and welcomes you to come play one of the two courses they have to offer. I was beat after nine holes and called it a day.

The General manager is Syed Katawazi and probably one of the most genuine humans i have ever met. He is nice and friendly and always has time to shake your hand. He is very mobile and always walking around the halls of the resort. Whereever you look, you will see him there with a smile on and a welcome greeting. If you have time, ask him to sit down over a soda, coffee or tea and have him tell you his story, I promise you won't be disappointed.

The overall experience was fantastic and this california man needed to see how to slow life down a bit and enjoy some southern hospitality. The airport is like a library and not bustling like the Atlantas or the Los Angeles of the day. Security actually has time to say hello and strike up a friendly conversation with you.

2825a2825a 2825a2825astars out of five.

Thanks to all that I met and until next time :)
