A venti Misto and a coffee cake

So I seemed to have arrived at that place of desperation again. I am
enjoying, possibly, my last luxury in life. I have been trying to make
my mark on the world, and once again have my tail between my legs

I tried to make a go of a communications company and in the process,
have fallen flat on my face. I don't know how many more tries I have
in me. How many times do u get beat down before you decide to stay down?

I am at a loss for words and just don't really give a fuck what
happens at this point. I believe the universe will dole whatever I
need/ or don't need and I just keep accepting that everything is out
of control and out of my control

I know what I keep doing wrong and it's time to grow up and get a real
9 to 5. I may be a born leader, but I have zero business skills

I wish I could be a rich and talented man, but apparently I gave that
up when they doled out my looks. I got the looks but no brains.

Maybe next time, if there is one
