Movie Review: The Wrestler

4 out of 5 stars
Okay, can i just say that mickey rourke should have won something for this amazing performance. I loved Sean Penn in "Milk" but i actually drew some tears during this movie. He did a fantastic job and I couldn't tell where mickey began and "Ram" began.

This was a really raw performance and very gripping. I was able to relate to this on a very real level. Basically he gave up everything for wrestling and after a medical condition forced him to retire, he realized what he thought was important in his life.

The characters were very believable and i took an interest in Mickey becoming a part of society again. I liked the performance by Evan Rachel Wood and I don't care what anyone says, Marissa Tomei is no way Jose a day over 30 with a body like that.

This movie is raw, real and will make anyone take stock in their own life. Check it out, I promise you will enjoy it and if nothing else, it will make you appreciate your situation a lot more
