Looking for Start up Capital

Okay so as many of you know, TruBlue has been in existence for a year now. We are going on year two and we want to start agressively marketing ourselves and really kick things off for 08.

We are looking for $50,000 in intitial round funding to advertise and penetrate the market here in San Diego. Some of you may or may not know but we are also starting this new year off with a concierge service. We feel this will be an exceptional way to feed the events side of the business.

I am open to all offers and even creative ways to finance this. TruBlue is looking to start the year off with a bang. We are alson in need of an experienced financial person...cfo, cpa or anyone who is great with money.

If you have any suggestions, ideas or commments, i would love to hear them at chad@trublueme.com

