What nice can I say about Nice

This is an amazing city. The people are friendly, if you make an effort and be humble. I have seen a beautiful mix of people here because it is so diverse. It's like a mini New York with bustling streets and activity on every corner. Are there flaws in the system, of course. There is homelessness, there is graffiti, there is smoking and there is an immigration problem as well, but the difference is, no one is complaining about it. Instead, the people of Nice go about their day, laughing, smiling and enjoying the day.

I had breakfast this morning with Jorge Dahl. Very nice guy from Spain. He was heading to Marseille, but going to Monaco on this day to check out the casino. I bought him breakfast and he was very thankful. We found our way to to the bus stop and said our goodbyes. He said, if you are ever in Spain, please email me. If I go to Spain, I will definitely call him.

My new friend Jorge

The people in this area are heavy consumers and at every corner, they are consuming, especially on the weekends. FNAC, which is comparable to a best buy in the states, is packed. Every checkout lane is packed to capacity with everyone's arms full of the latest gadgets. Clothing stores are full of shoppers because of the big sales of 30-50% off. As I walked down the Avenue Jean Medecin, there were thousands of people as far as the eye can see. As I passed some of the side streets, I could see they were healthy with.business as well.

I notice that eye contact is kept to a bare minimum. People did stare at me when I smiled at them and on several occasions, some even smiled back. I love the fact that everyone walks here, is environmentally conscious and brings their bag to the grocery store.

Today, I went to the highest lookout spot along the coast, Parc de la Collins du Chateau. There was an impressive waterfall, called cascade du Chateau, as well as an interesting cemetery. The wind was so strong on this particular day and.was causing the trees to bow in a sort of symphonic rhythm. It was very peaceful and calming. Maybe the dead were inviting me for a nap, who knows.

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I finished the afternoon going to the port of Nice. It was beautiful and from what I could read, had just undergone renovations this month to give it a new and fresh look. On the way back, I stopped at what seemed to be a model shoot. The model kept having to stop to get hair out of her eye because of the wind. Seems she was modeling a jacket that can be worn with pants or shorts. I was wrapped in the tranquility of the moment. It was beautiful sun, cooling breeze and the waves crashing on the rocks. I stayed for an hour before walking down the Promenade des Anglais.

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I was pretty tired by the time I got back to the hostel and laid down for about 30 minutes and after I awoke it was 5 o'clock. I went to a local cafe and got my evening fix and then proceeded to talk the night away with other hostellers over wine and cheese, all the while exchanging emails and facebook pages. At 2330, I called it a night.

If you would like to see more pictures: http://picasaweb.google.com/chadbordes/2010100902

Until next time


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