Insomnia or something else...
Lately I seem to find myself fallin asleep rather quickly (when I do go to bed). The problem is that I wake up after several hours of sleep. For example last night, I went to bed at 11:30 and woke up this morning at 3:57am. I am of course very tired when i wake up, but after turning on a light and reading and brushing my teeth, I wake up.
I have to admit that having cats is not helping the situation. My beautiful pepper loves to wake me up at about 4:00 to 4:15 every morning, mostly to let me know she loves me, but in other cases is is to let me know she is hungry. After I feed her and give her some loving, she normally finds a place in the living room to curl up to and falls asleep. My problem is that I can't go back to sleep.
Maybe it is a sign of old age. I know that exercise helps me sleep, however, it doesn't keep me asleep. Some mornings I will sleep to 7 or 8, but for the most part early is the new black in my house.
The good news is that it hasn't happened for a month straight so clinically its not insomnia. Maybe its a good thing that I am up so early. I often feel that when i am awakened at that hour, it is for a reason. Either I need to be up and doing something or maybe contacting someone. After all it is 6:57 east coast time. I will sleep when I am dead...
Until next time
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