2000-09-24-two years????

Back up and validate Maryann's feelings about the abortion, our divorce and our future financial worries. Stop trying to solve problems or even worse, get answers, the answers will come later.

"god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, change the things i Ican and the wisdom to know the difference"

Call about birth certificate
Call about lawyer for house
Call other agency, Brad

Today was our 2 year anniversary. I made the most fun of it that i could. We went to Changs and had shrimp with lobster sauce and chicken w/cashews and almond. Very tasty and satisfying.

we drove out to the new flatiron crossing. We shopped at old Navy and bought some clothes. After shopping we went to the food court and got some soda's and some cookies from Mrs fields. I was able to do it because it was my off day.

We went to the bear factory to stuff a bear. It was a last ditch effort on my part to see if anything was still there...anything at all. We waited in line for at least an hour and a half. We had a small arguement/discussion about my personal ad on the internet on excite.

We stuffed the bear, I put in a heart and sealed it with a kiss and a wish ( it was that we would get back together and become a family)

We came home after a long day. I gave Maryann a backrub. She gave me a full massage. It felt great. After that we went downstairs and ate leftover P.F Changs. I went back upstairs, cleaned the bathtub and ran a hot bath for her. When she got finished she wanted to see a picture of this girl i went on a date with on the internet.

I showed her and we began talking. I doubt it will lead anywhere. I am pretty sure we are done!

Until next time.
