Movie Review: Reign Over Me

2 out of 5 stars So i decided last minute to go and see this film. I left my house at 9:20, walked down to Horton Plaza, arrived at 9:40 and bought tickets for this movie. Apparently it wasn't all I thought it was going to be. Adam Sandler plays a lost individual whose wife, 3 daughters and dog were all killed on one of the planes during the 9/11 attacks. He has a good friend who runs into him, Don Cheadle, who is a practicing dentist and was Sandler's room mate during dental school. I don't want to spend a lot of time reviewing this movie. It did bring up some interesting thoughts and really made one stop and think. I couldn't help continually hearing the guy in the back row snoring as he fell asleep. 5 seconds later you would hear a loud "smack" from his girlfriend and he would wake up. The movie was 2 hours and 4 minutes long and could have been cut by about 30 minutes. Some of the scenes were extremely long and drawn out. Sandler didn...