what the hell...

Family and Friends,

This is a question I ask myself often. What in the sam hell am I doing up on a Sunday at midnight or 1 am writing in this god forsaken blog about. I mean what is so important that it can’t wait until tomorrow.
“Im not gonna lie to you...” I have no friggin clue. I am up because I can’t sleep. Artistic talent strikes at the most in opportune moments. I don’t know if I would call it artistry or crap...

What would be nice is if I could make enough money off of my blog to support my meeting and event planning habit. Any ideas. I will slut myself out for $$$$’s. Anyone who wants to advertise on this blog, should let me know. I have no clue what the turnover is on this thing so I send it out and hope people read it and can relate.

Many times people say, “well what should you write”. Well I will tell you what not to write. You shouldn’t write about frat parties where you wake up and find yourself peeing in a fan or crawling into a bed filled with shaving cream. Everything else is acceptable. You probably shouldn’t write about the friend you have that got a DUI in January while partying with a friend. That would be an ultimate shocker to family and friends that read the blog. It may also keep you from being a rational candidate for the nobel peace prize. There is this guy I know, he is about 35 and even though he quit drinking, he found a reason, excuse or justified like a mother to go out and have a good time with his buddy...Not going to name names “Jeff”. So this guy told me he wasn’t going to drink and lo and behold him and “J” went to a club in downtown san diego and had 1 or 5 too many.

He told me the first mistake he made was getting into the car to drive “J” home. First and foremost, he could have killed them both. He said he dropped jeff off fine and then proceeded to head home. For some strange reason, he told me he was fine until he got to the last stoplight before his house. He said there was too long a wait and no one around, but to his dismay, there was a cop right there at the moment he decided to floor the accelerator. He told me instantly, he knew he was going to jail.

The officer pulled him over and asked him where he was headed in such a hurry. He said, home which was right around the corner from where he parked. He then said the officer smelled alcohol on his breath. The officer decided to give him a breath-a-lizer test. Well if .08 was legal, this guy was twice the legal limit. The officer kept stating he had to pee. Had this guy only offered his apartment to let the kind officer use the restroom, he may have avoided any jail time. To this guys dismay, he ended up with loose cuffs and a ride in the back of a black and white.

The officer took his picture and he had to spend the night in the holding cell. That in and of itself was enough to make this guy not ever want to take a drink of alcohol again. Upon waking up from his drunkin stupor, he found himself staring at the clock wishing and longing to be free. Problem was as he says, that the clock was at 6:30 and lockup was normally about 10 hours. If he was checked in at 1:30am that would mean he wouldn’t get out til 11ish. Meanwhile this guy was supposed to be in vegas at 8 am for a new job with a new company he had just contracted with. Needless to say the time passed and this guy was able to walk home and get everything set up for a late arrival into vegas. He didn’t lose his job and was able to continue working for this company.

He said the ramifications of his actions would be hard felt. His court date was Friday March 2nd. The judge imposed mandatory DUI driving classes, 1800 fine and the DMV suspended his license for 4 months. This on top of other financial hardships he has been experiencing this year. What is a guy to do?

The moral of this story is “Don’t fuckin drink and drive. You are kidding yourself if you think you won’t get caught. Save your life or better yet, save someone elses.” Instead of picking up a drink to celebrate, pick up the phone and tell someone you love them. Be a friend to someone who doesn’t have one. Call up a friend you haven’t spoken to in years who you think won’t want to talk to you, you will be amazed. Life isn’t really measured, it is lived. The way we get experience in this life is through our mistakes. Live vicariously through someone else and learn to save some pennies.

Until next time

Sent using Entourage and the new MacBook.
