The dangers of drinking and driving...
Family, Friends and Acquantainces, I haven't shared this with too many people. Some of you may know and some of you may not. I feel it is my responsibility to let people know about the dangers of drinking and driving. On January 19, 2007, I was pulled over and arrested for driving under the influence. It was a scary and humiliating experience. I had to under go field sobriety tests, get handcuffed, take a ride downtown in the police car, get photographed (mug shot) and spend the night in a holding tank with several other offenders and the occasional crazy person. I had lots of time on my hands as i was in and out of sleep and conciousness. I felt like a huge failure and couldn't believe what I had done. But I, like many out there felt it was okay to have a few drinks and drive home, because lets face happens every day. We go to a company social and toss a few back, we go out with the girls and have a few martini's or glasses of wine. We then make the decisio...