Another great day!

So today I decided to ride with some new friends that I had made. My friend Chris from Mazatlan and his friend Greg and I decided to go on a little trip up the coast. I met them at the McDonalds on Garnett and Mission bay and from there we began our ride.

Greg and I had never met and struck up an interesting conversation on life that seemed to last the entire ride. He is an amazing guy with tons of history. I learned a lot about and from him today. He just quit smoking about a month ago, bought a bike, started doing critical mass rides here in San Diego and has been riding his bike for about a month (and he is very strong for only riding a month). I was for sure our ride was going to take us out and back about 30 miles total, however, Chris and greg wanted to push on while in Del Mar so we rode into solana beach, grabbed some food and headed back.

I snapped a few shots of them before Torrey Pines and after... The guys are looking good. They made it up the hill with no problems.

We continued down torrey pines and went down the back side of la jolla and into PB. From PB we crossed onto Nimitz and the guys broke off into OB. When I arrived home, I clocked 50.29 miles and I am sure Greg had to do at least that plus some because of his ride back into La Jolla. So I give a huge shout out to the guy for pulling that off.

When I arrived home, i jumped out of my cycling gear, into the shower and into some comfortable shorts and clothing for my ride up to the DMV. Unfortuanately, My ride was uneventful. The DMV still hasn't recieved my SR22 so therefore, I must wait to get my restricted licence. I was a little frustrated when I got home and re arranged the apartment. But when i got home, i looked on myspace and saw my quote and it made me smile. It says,

"And whether or not it is clear to you,no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should"

I realize that everything happens at the speed of the universe. Now I will focus on the DMV getting my SR22 because that is what I desire.

Well, Until next time. May your burdens be light, and you always be happy.
